Mayapple leaves
Oxeye daisies
Iris detail
Musk mallow
Fall leaf color swirls
Cinnamon fern
Winter grasses
Iris bud
Red pines
White water lilies
Hickory tree
Longwood hybrid water-platter: Victoria ‘Longwood Hybrid’
Honeybee on cone flower
Frozen spruce and cedar needles
Cypress trees at Point Lobos
Fall sugar maple leaves
Big-tooth aspen leaf (Populus grandidentata)
Goldenrod ghosts
Late afternoon winter woods
Apple blossoms
Frosted oak leaf
Aspiring giant sequoia
Three-toothed cinquefoil
Giant trillium and mayapple leaves
Blue bead lily (Clintonia borealis)
Leaf and mosses
Shining clubmoss
Red maple leaf
Red pine on a cliff
Mayapple forest floor
Pitcher plant
Wild geranium
Goldenrod field
Fall sugar maple leaves
Columbine and Japanese maple
Fall forest floor
Fall colors
Leaves frozen in ice
Backlit hobblebush leaf
Tree roots
Sclerocactus glaucus blossoms
Fall beech and hobblebush
Giant sequoia
Tulip blossom interior