About The Photographs
About This Paul Duncan
As a devoted amateur photographer for the past many decades, I've enjoyed several aspects of the enterprise. These include developing good technical skills for shooting and processing photos, understanding compositional techniques, exploring the fundamentals of light and lighting. But this effort has been in service of a bigger picture: photographs are a very limited representation of our extremely limited perception of the complex real world, whatever that is.
It's that aspect, exploring a more insightful and simplified visual shorthand, that can provoke a deeper appreciation of the natural world and our contextual experience in it. So clearly, this is a very personal experience of my world and may not float your boat at all. And that's perfectly okay.
While I’ve had a Web site for many years in various incarnations, I’m most often asked if I’m the person who blah blah blah. There are, and have been, apparently, a lot of Paul Duncans around. Let me help sort this out.
I am a Paul Duncan who
was born in 1951;
lived in New York State all my life: Ithaca, Hawkeye (northern Adirondacks), Whitesboro, Saranac Lake, Potsdam, Endicott, Johnson City, Vestal, Apalachin, and Newfield. All sort of in that order;
went to school in Hawkeye, Whitesboro, Saranac Lake High School, Clarkson U., Empire State College, Broome Community College, and SUNY at Binghamton;
worked for Allied Maintenance, Wilson Hospital, GE (Westover), IBM (Endicott), and WebFeat, along with a smattering of stints self-employed.
I am not a Paul Duncan who
has any relationship whatsoever with the movie or other entertainment industry;
published any books other than contributions to technical manuals;
has a painting, photo, or illustration offered at any Ikea;
has created, sold, or offered any photos, drawings, or illustrations of nudes or having erotic or sexual content;
has had any athletic involvement at the collegiate or professional level.
Finally, if all that is not enough, I offer the testimony of a former lady friend who once asserted, “You are the most boring man in the world!” That not only distinguishes me from all other Paul Duncans but all other men in existence. Be assured she was a woman of great intelligence and discernment and would not have proposed such a superlative cavalierly.
Carry on. I know I will.
I’ll reply promptly to any reasonable question or request. Spam will be flushed and their authors cursed with eternal damnation.